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Friday, December 9, 2011

Success Depends on Failure...

“The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made.”
― Groucho Marx

After a couple of hectic weeks it is now time to get back to the desk and share some thoughts and wisdom with the community. To old friends, "Hello..", and to new readers "Welcome, I hope you enjoy the view!"

Like any business, one hopes that honesty and fair-play is engrained in our daily dealings, that's how we get ahead, and create options and fill new positions for our clients. Let's face it, without those items being created, why are we needed? Certainly not just to fill an empty chair, but to be productive, and to make MONEY. How we make that money is the secret sauce required for success. No one can do what we do, as well as we can, we just have to find a reasonable way to shout the message loud and clear. And with that comes traction for our individual brand, moving forward to the corporate brand which we are representing.

We have to pay attention to how much effort we are putting forth on the large picture, so the small tasks receive the same attention and you don't become known for "Smoke and Mirrors"- lots of sizzle and very little steak. A balance has to be struck in order for balance to be maintained. The sharing of information is key... That's what greases the wheel. We have to realize that certain people are good at certain jobs, ask them in and let them go to it, while you concentrate on moving the project forward. The more trust we can create in our branding and the more buzz we can see around our activities, hopefully the more positive results we will be seeing.

One man can not move a mountain, but he can create talk. Talk soon becomes action and action inevitably becomes a movement. There are many in this industry, which only makes sense, with as many group leaders as we have, willing to impart some knowledge to the next generation (not all the knowledge, why would we be needed?) and show the blueprints to re-invent the wheel. Mentorship is key, because a lot of what we learn cannot be taught in a set time or in a class setting, always. Is the picture becoming clearer?

It takes time and effort to become good at what you do, the same as it takes time and a lot of effort to show people why you are the missing part of the puzzle. YOU can create a revolution of thought and action, and if successful, take a place at the "Leaders" Table. You create all the success you deserve, just realize that to do so will require time and effort, and that there is NO part-way, either you are all in, or you should find another endeavor.

Be the best and set the best example you can in your industry. Be the leader, assume a position in an uncomfortable setting ( be it organizing an event, or public speaking on a passion you have). Success depends on failure, the more failure you face, the higher the rate of success you possibly can achieve. Have faith in yourself, gain the faith of others and create a buzz around you that cannot be put out by nay-sayers, Start the conversation and become a leader. You may find out in the beginning, you are alone; give yourself time to create the fire and don't take NO for an answer.

Have a Dream, become and live the dream, success should be just around the corner.
Something to Think About....
@thedanieljsmith 2011
Success Depends on Failure...

“The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made.”
― Groucho Marx

After a couple of hectic weeks it is now time to get back to the desk and share some thoughts and wisdom with the community. To old friends, "Hello..", and to new readers "Welcome, I hope you enjoy the view!"

Like any business, one hopes that honesty and fair-play is engrained in our daily dealings, that's how we get ahead, and create options and fill new positions for our clients. Let's face it, without those items being created, why are we needed? Certainly not just to fill an empty chair, but to be productive, and to make MONEY. How we make that money is the secret sauce required for success. No one can do what we do, as well as we can, we just have to find a reasonable way to shout the message loud and clear. And with that comes traction for our individual brand, moving forward to the corporate brand which we are representing.

We have to pay attention to how much effort we are putting forth on the large picture, so the small tasks receive the same attention and you don't become known for "Smoke and Mirrors"- lots of sizzle and very little steak. A balance has to be struck in order for balance to be maintained. The sharing of information is key... That's what greases the wheel. We have to realize that certain people are good at certain jobs, ask them in and let them go to it, while you concentrate on moving the project forward. The more trust we can create in our branding and the more buzz we can see around our activities, hopefully the more positive results we will be seeing.

One man can not move a mountain, but he can create talk. Talk soon becomes action and action inevitably becomes a movement. There are many in this industry, which only makes sense, with as many group leaders as we have, willing to impart some knowledge to the next generation (not all the knowledge, why would we be needed?) and show the blueprints to re-invent the wheel. Mentorship is key, because a lot of what we learn cannot be taught in a set time or in a class setting, always. Is the picture becoming clearer?

It takes time and effort to become good at what you do, the same as it takes time and a lot of effort to show people why you are the missing part of the puzzle. YOU can create a revolution of thought and action, and if successful, take a place at the "Leaders" Table. You create all the success you deserve, just realize that to do so will require time and effort, and that there is NO part-way, either you are all in, or you should find another endeavor.

Be the best and set the best example you can in your industry. Be the leader, assume a position in an uncomfortable setting ( be it organizing an event, or public speaking on a passion you have). Success depends on failure, the more failure you face, the higher the rate of success you possibly can achieve. Have faith in yourself, gain the faith of others and create a buzz around you that cannot be put out by nay-sayers, Start the conversation and become a leader. You may find out in the beginning, you are alone; give yourself time to create the fire and don't take NO for an answer.

Have a Dream, become and live the dream, success should be just around the corner.
Something to Think About....
@thedanieljsmith 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How To Keep Motivated......


Is there a way to keep motivated when the chips are down or you are going through a slump? Being that most of us are self-employed or sub-contracted (possibly even contracted…let’s cover all the bases!) Motivation becomes key to our daily lives and definitely to our production. Without the motivation or the will to carry on, the day becomes exceptionally long and drawn out!

The best solution is to leave your desk (wherever it is) and reward yourself with a mental break for all the outstanding work you have already accomplished. It doesn’t have to be a long break, just substantial enough that your eyes return to the prize; and you feel invigorated to carry on. Remember the basic rule of leaving the home issues at home; and that you have clients depending on your production. Take on only enough work not to be overwhelmed with your new quota; and stay in touch with those necessary to see every step of your task completion.

Sometimes a job list just doesn’t work. Sometimes the need to take a step back to move two steps forward becomes necessary. This is alright in the big scheme of things as it will lead eventually to you returning to your post as task-master (or Master of all your Tasks) more lively and energetic than before the slump.

One thing to remember however, is that the negative energy is normal and we all receive our fair share (some in larger quantities than others at one time); we have to stand tall enough and be responsible enough not to let these times drag us down any lower than necessary; so we can resume the journey of positive energy at the earliest time possible. Think of one thing that is important to you; we all have many, and think about how you can affect this goal sooner.

It all comes down to harnessing the inner energy, and when the ‘Under Construction’ signs are put up; find the alternate route around the issue until you can meet it head on; and check it off the ‘Didn’t ask for this issue- But its out of the way, Now’ list.

Some of you are probably asking where I am going with this ramble; and the answer is simple: We all strive to be the best in whatever area we are employed in; The best in our daily lives; The best for all those around us; If possible the best example for others we can be in this life, and show that a little hard work and good fortune will pay off.

My question’s are: What if you aren’t presently in that frame of mind? and What if you start believing You aren’t as good as you thought you were? Just wondering and trying to leave……

Something to Think About…..now where did I put that horse- time to get back on it!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Education- Why? I'm Already Good..


So you have a career in the field of your dreams, and you are making a fairly good living- the bills are covered, the social life is on fire, the family situation is just as you like it at this time (subject to change: like life!). AND….You look as though there is no end in sight for the success you feel you deserve, after all the long hours, the training, the meetings, the late nights…etc. Guess what? That is when the real job begins, and you need to turn the notch up a couple of degrees on self expectation.

Good enough is only good enough when nothing else can be achieved. When we feel there is nothing left in our chosen profession to achieve, we get lazy and stop reaching for new goals, content in the life that we have so carefully made for ourselves. Nothing good lasts forever, unless you have a sure-fire way to back it up, because whether we wish to admit it or not, there is someone just waiting in the shadows to take the clients you let go of, or to take on the tasks that you feel are now beneath you because of a couple of lucky breaks.

One of the ways you may consider to help stay in-demand and on top is to go back to school. You’re probably older and wiser now, and you realize that everything you need to know won’t just fall in your lap. This means finding a course, or series of courses which will help you stay relevant. The work-force is changing, and you now have 2 options: Change or get left behind. I can’t speak for everyone, (I’ve tried) but no one wants to be left behind; much less passed over on future promotions because some junior employee happened to be a step ahead.

It doesn’t have to cost alot to return to school. Look around and see what courses others in your trade are considering, attend night-school, or weekend seminars on areas you either have (or wish to have) a better knowledge in. Look at the courses which are relevant to your career- Is there any stone that needs a bit of polish, as new practices replace old techniques. I don’t believe that there is any career out there which hasn’t been affected by changes in technology.

Being good is fine, but why not try and be something better? Your clients deserve you to be your absolute best, or they WILL move up the street to the service that is more in keeping with their forward thinking. After all, I’m sure most of us, if not all of us would find the time if it meant that there was a larger paycheque to be had!

Think about it and look around….There is certainly some skills you have that could use a refresher, or some skills you could add to your repertoire and become just a little more “in-demand”….

Something to Think About…

© 2011 thedanieljsmith

Please consider your environmental responsibility. Before printing this e-mail message, ask yourself whether you really need a hard copy.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What's Your Social Media Marketing IQ?

heidi-cohen-30-signAs you make your 2012 marketing plans, consider what you need to do to take your social media marketing to the next level. To ensure your firm's maximizing its social media effectiveness, now's the time to check your organization's social media marketing IQ.
Here are 30 questions to help determine your firm's social media marketing IQ. These questions will help you assess where your organization is in terms of social media marketing maturity and where you may need to improve effectiveness. Depending on where your organization is along the social media adoption curve, some of these questions can help you develop plans going forward.
  1. Do you have brand monitoring and/or other analytics in place? If you don't have the budget for professional social media monitoring, use free options such as Google Alerts, Twitter Search, and Google Analytics.
  2. Are you analyzing the information collected?
  3. Are you taking action where appropriate based on your brand monitoring? Remember, about 2 percent of the comments require any company interaction.
Social Media Guidelines
  1. Do you have social media guidelines for how employees should represent themselves and what they can say?
  2. Do you have guidelines for what's acceptable for customers and the public to contribute on your organization's website, blog, and/or forum? This doesn't mean you can delete negative comments! Customers will say whatever they want on their own and third-party social media networks where you have no control.
  3. Do you have a crisis management plan? If so, do you review it regularly to ensure it's up to date and employees know what to do? If not, here's help to develop one.
  1. Do you have goals for your social media marketing? This is a critical first step of any marketing strategy. Don't think it's just a test and we'll figure it out later. If it works, you'll need to make a case for more resources.
  2. Are your social media marketing goals related to your overall business objectives? This is a must for any marketing plans!
  3. Is your social media marketing driving revenues? For many businesses, this is a sign of social media maturity.
  1. Does senior management buy into social media as part of your marketing and business plans? Recognize this can be difficult to achieve. Research shows leadership at one in three businesses supports social media marketing after three years.
  2. If management doesn't buy into social media marketing, are you bringing them up to speed? Chances are that you need to show how it drives results associated with business goals.
  3. Are you expanding buy-in beyond senior management? Think customer service, sales, product management, human resources, investor relations, and other organizational departments.
Social Media Marketing Strategies
  1. Do you have a social media marketing strategy? What do you want to accomplish?
  2. Are your social media marketing strategies integrated with your overall marketing plans?
  3. Are employees monitoring social media marketing implementation(s)? Customers will use every point of contact to reach a human being.
  4. Are you promoting your social media marketing efforts? To drive customers and the public to your social media marketing, you must continually promote it. Use internal media.
  5. Do you make it easy for social media participants to share your content? Think social sharing including Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
  6. Do you have tailored call-to-action and tracking mechanisms integrated into your social media marketing efforts? Prospects and customers need to be guided through your sales process.
Social Media Marketing Content
  1. Are you creating tailored content for your social media marketing initiatives? Since social media thrives on content, ensure your social media efforts have the fuel they need.
  2. Have you created a variety of content formats?
  3. Does your content support every stage of the purchase process? The information consumers need may cut across your organization. To support these efforts, use an editorial calendar and marketing personas.
  4. Is your social media-related content integrated into your search optimization efforts?
Social Media Marketing Budget
  1. Do you have a dedicated social media marketing budget? Social media marketing isn't free! You can't count on having a robust social media marketing strategy without financial and headcount resources. If you don't have a dedicated budget, can you leverage other resources or hide your social media marketing budget?
  2. Do you have headcount dedicated to your social media marketing efforts? If not, are social media marketing activities incorporated into specific employees' job descriptions? If no one's required to do the work, it won't happen.
  3. Do you have social media training to ensure employees understand how to engage on social media platforms and are consistent in how they represent your organization? Many firms overlook this important factor.
  4. Do you have a social media contingency plan to ensure you have personnel involved and monitoring social media 24/7? What happens if your social media manager's sick or unavailable and there's a problem?
  1. Do you have established metrics to track social media marketing efforts back to marketing and/or business objectives? This is best done when you're planning your strategy.
  2. Do your metrics include the full purchase process not just the last marketing touched?Social media can influence customers before you realize they're shopping and after they've bought your product or service.
  3. Do your social media metrics go beyond marketing? Think broadly across your business such as customer service.
  4. Are you measuring the ROI of your social media marketing? Understand it takes time to have a well-integrated social media marketing strategy where you can measure your investment and results accurately. Short-term, determine whether your social media marketing contributes to achieving your business goals.
Social media marketing is a growing part of every marketer's plans and budget. Regardless of where you are on the social media marketing continuum, you must assess the effectiveness of what you're currently doing and implement strategies to enhance your results

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

And In the Beginning...Or Am I Primed for The Day?

You wake in the morning, hopefully after a full night of sleep (made possible by a lack of problems in the mind..Or you are starting a new position.) and would like to think you will take on the world and win.

How? Do you have a plan? Do you have a routine or ritual? Or do you just run “off the cuff” and hope all the day-stars will line up correctly for you to move on. Okay so the last point probably isn’t enough to hope for, but there are the people who…

Seven things you should be thinking of over the course of the day; add to or delete from what doesn’t apply to you, but I think the list really wouldn’t be that hard to follow or set up on a daily basis.

1. Shower, Dress and have something that could resemble Breakfast. During this time work on a ‘to-do’ list of things ideally you would like to accomplish and write it in your day-timer. This is a fairly simple process, note how none of yesterdays issues are put here…Unless it is career-ending or client-dropping, it probably could be listed for later today.

2. Plan time where you can have mind-clearing breaks. Be it to write some ideas down for future blogs, grabbing an energy-stimulant (chocolate or coffee), or just walking up and down the hall to clear out all the extra crap that really isn’t key right now. (This stuff should be listed at worst in an ongoing list of projects undertaken, yet not finished)

3. Concentrate on all the positive activities you have going on. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done, or a new time-saving procedure you have seen to put in place. Negative thought brings the mind and karma down, which makes the day seem twice as long. See what you can do to keep the downslide on an upswing.

4. At a sensible time, BREAK FOR LUNCH. Many of us think we are gods who can constantly run on no energy..WRONG. No lunch equals no production because the mind will start spinning in place. Its been proven that energy will increase production. This I know from experience because all missed lunches gained me was more free time on the clock logged in for the company….(lets see 25 years x 30 min/day….ENOUGH)

5. When the work day is over and you have either accomplished the list or moved it forward to another day; take time for yourself. There is nothing (except possibly a spouse) which prevents you from taking a little time to wind-down before you return home. This will probably allow you to leave work at work and not obsess over the tasks undone.

6. Working off of the above point, try to take some time in the evening for yourself, or involve the family and try to do activities which will add to the social well-being of your life. The family aren’t with you at work, so you shouldn’t expect that your time with them is to be used on work-related projects. BIG No-No (Trust me…personal experience)

7. Try to hit the pillows at a reasonable time. And as tempting as it is, keep the bedroom for two things,(self explanatory, but one of them is sleep) Leave the T.V. watching for the den or living room, because unless you are living in a one room apartment, the TV is better not in the bedroom as it is a cause of negativity, or a lack of sleep. Easier to move your pillow to the sofa and try there.

Seven relatively common sense ideas to obtain a solid moral centre where work and life are concerned. Fashion this list into some thing that will work for you; and after a little time to experiment and grow; people around you will notice a really cool customer as they admire the new you.

Something to Think About…..Your turn to give it a shot!!!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

To Survive...And...Perchance to Dream


Let me throw all the crap against the wall and lets just see what sticks!! It seems to me that the older I get; the more I hear about the people who have forgotten about why they got in “The Game” and settle instead into complacency and give up on the successes they had plans for or the dreams they once held near and dear. This is not to place myself on a pedestal, because I have had my share of mucking through the mire trying to find the golden key of success. Guess what? I’m still looking….and will continue.

How does anyone know whether or not they are successful? Is it the entourage you gain, the gems on the fingers and the newest toys and technology that money can buy? Is it your name on the company letterhead; or being on the cover of Forbes Magazine before you hit the age of 40? Or is it retirement after finding the client on the golden goose? Lofty goals…each and everyone of them….but guess what…(and you may be shocked by this) SUCCESS COMES WITH A PRICE !!!!!

Without the hard work associated with the success, you may as well find a really deep hole and jump in, because that is where your success may lie if you don’t start looking at reality. We all want the golden egg (see above..leads to early retirement), and we all want everyone to see us as the truly great and good people we seem to be; lending out our skills to others in the hope that the bigger picture will be achieved sooner, and all the while having a secondary objective which would torpedo the whole thing. At some point if you are not careful, people will see you for the pariah you are and run for the hills; not even stopping to get directions because all their business sense is screaming that anyplace is better than where you are.

Hard work equals success? Possibly not, but there hasn’t been a day go by in my lifetime where I haven’t risen each and every day, looked at myself in the mirror, and stated that “Today is going to be a Great Day!” It’s understood that this encompasses all the people I will affect this day, yesterday, tomorrow, or at some point next year- It really doesn’t matter; because no one goal will be achieved (large or small) without some sort of a team around you. And don’t put yourself behind a curtain, because you don’t like the attention. TOUGH….and suck it up, Buttercup… because this ride leaves in 5 minutes and you don’t have the option of staying home.

Business RELATIONSHIPS are like a marriage or a really cool club that everyone wants to be part of. Show your leadership potential some of the time and SURPRISE, another cog in the big wheel is formed. Will you make mistakes?Probably. Will your feelings be hurt? Definitely. (again, see above, Buttercup).

This is where you have to ask yourself…”After all the pain, agony and effort that went into this project, am I any worse off for the experience?” Probably not—A good team isn’t all that easy to find—everyone has to be on board for the same reasons, and have the same goals in mind. So you may not be the figurehead 100% of the time—but I’m sure the cost of a winning team is worth standing in the shadows some of the time. If not, take what you have learned, and what you have taught; SHAKE HANDS with the team on the way out; and WISH THEM WELL—and don’t start a smear campaign the minute you are out the door, it simply adds credence to why they may not have really needed you in the first place.

A harsh lesson; a free-form document written from the heart, with the hopes that those reading this will find the magic formula for success, and once doing so, share it with others who have dreams just like you.

blah,blah..class dismissed..blah, blah, blah, Something to Think About!!!


©2011 thedanieljsmith

(Writers Note: This was written August 24th, 2011, on the 15 year anniversary of my mothers death. Fortunately she hasn’t been around to see some of the set-backs, and failed projects that are my source of inspiration….I will reach the summit and see you on the other side)

(p.s. No business models, company standards, plans of future wealth or successful teams were harmed in the writing of this piece—DJS)

To Survive, And Perchance To Dream…..

Let me throw all the crap against the wall and lets just see what sticks!! It seems to me that the older I get; the more I hear about the people who have forgotten about why they got in “The Game” and settle instead into complacency and give up on the successes they had plans for or the dreams they once held near and dear. This is not to place myself on a pedestal, because I have had my share of mucking through the mire trying to find the golden key of success. Guess what? I’m still looking….and will continue.
How does anyone know whether or not they are successful? Is it the entourage you gain, the gems on the fingers and the newest toys and technology that money can buy? Is it your name on the company letterhead; or being on the cover of Forbes Magazine before you hit the age of 40? Or is it retirement after finding the client on the golden goose? Lofty goals…each and everyone of them….but guess what…(and you may be shocked by this) SUCCESS COMES WITH A PRICE !!!!!
Without the hard work associated with the success, you may as well find a really deep hole and jump in, because that is where your success may lie if you don’t start looking at reality. We all want the golden egg (see above..leads to early retirement), and we all want everyone to see us as the truly great and good people we seem to be; lending out our skills to others in the hope that the bigger picture will be achieved sooner, and all the while having a secondary objective which would torpedo the whole thing. At some point if you are not careful, people will see you for the pariah you are and run for the hills; not even stopping to get directions because all their business sense is screaming that anyplace is better than where you are.
Hard work equals success? Possibly not, but there hasn’t been a day go by in my lifetime where I haven’t risen each and every day, looked at myself in the mirror, and stated that “Today is going to be a Great Day!” It’s understood that this encompasses all the people I will affect this day, yesterday, tomorrow, or at some point next year- It really doesn’t matter; because no one goal will be achieved (large or small) without some sort of a team around you. And don’t put yourself behind a curtain, because you don’t like the attention. TOUGH….and suck it up, Buttercup… because this ride leaves in 5 minutes and you don’t have the option of staying home.
Business RELATIONSHIPS are like a marriage or a really cool club that everyone wants to be part of. Show your leadership potential some of the time and SURPRISE, another cog in the big wheel is formed. Will you make mistakes?Probably. Will your feelings be hurt? Definitely. (again, see above, Buttercup).
This is where you have to ask yourself…”After all the pain, agony and effort that went into this project, am I any worse off for the experience?” Probably not—A good team isn’t all that easy to find—everyone has to be on board for the same reasons, and have the same goals in mind. So you may not be the figurehead 100% of the time—but I’m sure the cost of a winning team is worth standing in the shadows some of the time. If not, take what you have learned, and what you have taught; SHAKE HANDS with the team on the way out; and WISH THEM WELL—and don’t start a smear campaign the minute you are out the door, it simply adds credence to why they may not have really needed you in the first place.
A harsh lesson; a free-form document written from the heart, with the hopes that those reading this will find the magic formula for success, and once doing so, share it with others who have dreams just like you.
blah,blah..class dismissed..blah, blah, blah, Something to Think About!!! Smile
©2011 thedanieljsmith
(Writers Note: This was written August 24th, 2011, on the 15 year anniversary of my mothers death. Fortunately she hasn’t been around to see some of the set-backs, and failed projects that are my source of inspiration….I will reach the summit and see you on the other side)
(p.s. No business models, company standards, plans of future wealth or successful teams were harmed in the writing of this piece—DJS)

Something To Think About…..

Something To Think About…..:

'via Blog this'

Friday, August 5, 2011

Your Brand is only as Good as Your Weakest Link.Guess Who?

Look in the mirror and ask yourself -“Can I perform my duties to the best of my abilities today? Or is this going to be one of those rare days that I am just going to go through the motions?” Answer honestly, because that will set the tone for your day as well as set your mind-set (good or bad).

If you genuinely believe that you will be successful today, then you will feel a little glow of positive energy which should carry you through the day because you BELIEVE in yourself and what you have to offer. Should you not truly believe that this will be a good day (due to various problems, home-life, outside distractions, etc.) then that too will be reflected in your aura, and the people you interact with will feel it, and know that you are not “walking the walk” of the image that you are trying to portray. You have to be truthful 100% of the time with yourself and not fall into the rut of the “false facade”

A false facade is an image you project when your mind is pre-occupied with anything other than the task at hand, and you are distracted to the point that your mind and body are out of sync and neither one wishes to take control of the situation. Another way of looking at this is the phrase “phoning in”. People know instinctually that you are not being real, or authentic, and you are just skating by on past glory (even if it is only yesterday) and know your production will be hampered by distraction and you will not be working to your usual 100% potential. Realizing this early will allow you to take the steps (whatever ones you use) necessary to stop a bad activity before it starts. One “phone-in” will lead to another, and the road to bad work-place habits begins. Whether you realize it or not, people look to you daily to help set the tone and the pace, whether you are working solo in a retail/salesman type of organization, or you pound the pavement, keeping as many possible cold-calls and appointments as your day-timer will physically allow. Your team and your clients deserve the best you have to offer; its up to you to follow through and provide for them the service which they have become accustomed to. You set the bar high when you started this adventure, you can’t lower it for a couple of days just because you feel off—consider it a challenge that requires you to rise and meet head on. Others cannot be held responsible for you in the same manner you are responsible for running an excellent environment where success and keeping a positive energy flowing daily.

Don’t accept #2 as this is the position of the unfocused. Strive for #1 in each event you participate in and show why you ARE the leader, not the follower. It’s probably taken a life-time to achieve your current position in things, and it will only take one or two bad transactions to feel the strain on your stellar reputation. YOU steer the ship, and YOU make the choices for yourself to act on.

Make sure what YOU are working towards is what you want, not just the best you think you deserve. YOUR Brand and more importantly YOU deserve better than that.

Class dismissed..as usual, hopefully I have given you “Something to Think About”

©2011 thedanieljsmith

Have a Fantastic Day!!


Daniel J. Smith
Community Manager 
Radical Events

(617) 939-9178- business
(905) 515-5178- home

Threewords Me: http://www.threewords.me/thedanieljsmith
Awesomize Me: http://www.awesomize.me/thedanieljsmith
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Your Brand is only as Good as Your Weakest Link…Guess Who?

Look in the mirror and ask yourself -“Can I perform my duties to the best of my abilities today? Or is this going to be one of those rare days that I am just going to go through the motions?” Answer honestly, because that will set the tone for your day as well as set your mind-set (good or bad).

If you genuinely believe that you will be successful today, then you will feel a little glow of positive energy which should carry you through the day because you BELIEVE in yourself and what you have to offer. Should you not truly believe that this will be a good day (due to various problems, home-life, outside distractions, etc.) then that too will be reflected in your aura, and the people you interact with will feel it, and know that you are not “walking the walk” of the image that you are trying to portray. You have to be truthful 100% of the time with yourself and not fall into the rut of the “false facade”

A false facade is an image you project when your mind is pre-occupied with anything other than the task at hand, and you are distracted to the point that your mind and body are out of sync and neither one wishes to take control of the situation. Another way of looking at this is the phrase “phoning in”. People know instinctually that you are not being real, or authentic, and you are just skating by on past glory (even if it is only yesterday) and know your production will be hampered by distraction and you will not be working to your usual 100% potential. Realizing this early will allow you to take the steps (whatever ones you use) necessary to stop a bad activity before it starts. One “phone-in” will lead to another, and the road to bad work-place habits begins. Whether you realize it or not, people look to you daily to help set the tone and the pace, whether you are working solo in a retail/salesman type of organization, or you pound the pavement, keeping as many possible cold-calls and appointments as your day-timer will physically allow. Your team and your clients deserve the best you have to offer; its up to you to follow through and provide for them the service which they have become accustomed to. You set the bar high when you started this adventure, you can’t lower it for a couple of days just because you feel off—consider it a challenge that requires you to rise and meet head on. Others cannot be held responsible for you in the same manner you are responsible for running an excellent environment where success and keeping a positive energy flowing daily.

Don’t accept #2 as this is the position of the unfocused. Strive for #1 in each event you participate in and show why you ARE the leader, not the follower. It’s probably taken a life-time to achieve your current position in things, and it will only take one or two bad transactions to feel the strain on your stellar reputation. YOU steer the ship, and YOU make the choices for yourself to act on.

Make sure what YOU are working towards is what you want, not just the best you think you deserve. YOUR Brand and more importantly YOU deserve better than that.

Class dismissed..as usual, hopefully I have given you “Something to Think About”

©2011 thedanieljsmith

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Believing in Dreams and Their Creation...


Today I thought I would take a detour off of the beaten path and look with a fresh insight at what it takes to dream and to create…

The mind is a wonderful thing; always operating even when we are sleeping. It provides us with a place to store knowledge and ideas, and when it is functioning properly it challenges us to create a better lifestyle for ourselves and our family. It is full of untapped potential for imagination, creativity, or a source which provides the basis of questioning what happens around us in an attempt to understand the universe and our infinitesimally tiny place in it. It provides the storage space for instructions and the framework for projects and work-skills needed to be a productive member of this society.

What happens when we hit a bump in the road? What happens if for some reason the mental vision becomes cloudy and we start to slide into the dark? As much as we like to think we are invincible, and nothing bad will ever affect us; nothing could be further from the truth. Illnesses run through families, minor or major it really doesn’t matter, and for any individual they could be catastrophic.

With that said; everyday should be treated with reverence, and each of us should try to find some way to make life just a little easier for the other guy. They have their own struggles and turmoil, and would probably thank you for taking the time to just say “Hi” or “I’m hoping you have a great day”. Simple things like that can go a long way to brightening someone’s day; and you know what—>It cost nothing but a couple seconds of your time.

All of us have dreams we would like to see come to fruition, some do take a little bit longer than others, but they can be achieved. Tunnel the vision to success; and in no time you will be well on your way. And as an added bonus; if you can help someone in their journey, the rewards in like could be huge. We are all in one large- world-wide family, and it is uber-cool when we can put all our differences aside and help one and other.

This has been a warm and fuzzy blog and hopefully will leave you (as always) with… Something to Think About

©2011 thedanieljsmith

Believing in Dreams and their Creation

Today I thought I would take a detour off of the beaten path and look with a fresh insight at what it takes to dream and to create…

The mind is a wonderful thing; always operating even when we are sleeping. It provides us with a place to store knowledge and ideas, and when it is functioning properly it challenges us to create a better lifestyle for ourselves and our family. It is full of untapped potential for imagination, creativity, or a source which provides the basis of questioning what happens around us in an attempt to understand the universe and our infinitesimally tiny place in it. It provides the storage space for instructions and the framework for projects and work-skills needed to be a productive member of this society.

What happens when we hit a bump in the road? What happens if for some reason the mental vision becomes cloudy and we start to slide into the dark? As much as we like to think we are invincible, and nothing bad will ever affect us; nothing could be further from the truth. Illnesses run through families, minor or major it really doesn’t matter, and for any individual they could be catastrophic.

With that said; everyday should be treated with reverence, and each of us should try to find some way to make life just a little easier for the other guy. They have their own struggles and turmoil, and would probably thank you for taking the time to just say “Hi” or “I’m hoping you have a great day”. Simple things like that can go a long way to brightening someone’s day; and you know what—>It cost nothing but a couple seconds of your time.

All of us have dreams we would like to see come to fruition, some do take a little bit longer than others, but they can be achieved. Tunnel the vision to success; and in no time you will be well on your way. And as an added bonus; if you can help someone in their journey, the rewards in like could be huge. We are all in one large- world-wide family, and it is uber-cool when we can put all our differences aside and help one and other.

This has been a warm and fuzzy blog and hopefully will leave you (as always) with… Something to Think About

©2011 thedanieljsmith

Friday, July 15, 2011

Authenticity, Believability and Commitment


To me, there seems to be two types of people in the workforce: Those that can and those that wish they could. Once we realize which of the two groups we are currently in, then we can take the steps necessary to advance to the more prestigious group. It has been beaten into us from the time we are old enough to understand that we always have to be accountable for our actions, and be willing to pay the price if the service we give is either below the standard which we are capable of delivering (half-assed), or we over-state and under-deliver (two terms I really don’t like together, as the under/over games stands to be at least 50% wrong leading to 100% loss faith, business or a potential shot to your reputation…) This is where my ABC principle falls in line. Its simple, easy to remember and awesome to engage!

A is for Authenticity, or the ability to come across as knowledgeable in your field of employment, or in your representation of a product or service. How you relate to others often leads to whether or not you make the initial sale; or whether the client was impressed with your presentation enough that he/she moves your business card to the Rolodex marked “Regular Supplier” instead of “Don’t Call Again”. This particular part of the equation is not something you can accomplish overnight, but given time, resources, and the energy it is possible to master over time, and even adapt to new situations if necessary. People have to trust you and what you stand for, otherwise your words and your actions mean nothing and you bring even less to the table. Be prepared to take as much time as it needs to understand what it is that is being asked of you; and never be afraid to question the system. By regularly questioning things, you remain sharp and you have all the information needed to be in the top 1% of your field.

B is for Believability, or how genuine the prospect thinks you are. Can you deliver what you say, or should you better serve the prospect by suggesting someone more equipped to service them at this point in time? It is a risk that we all have to take, but one appreciated if it will lead you to over-delivering and under-promising. The prospect always remember the bad service more than the good, The more believable you are, the more natural the interaction, almost like two friends talking on the street. The more you deliver; the easier your name is to remember. This runs hand-in-hand with authenticity as it grounds you and gives credence to your reputation “in the industry” or in your personal dealings.

C is for Commitment, or how vested you are in a train of thought, in your organization, in your chosen field of work, to the people and products you represent or how you are perceived in your day-to-day dealings in any facet of your life. Do you believe in yourself and can you look in your mirror at the beginning of each day and know deep down that you are going to put forth the absolute best effort which you have? Do you have what it takes to ask the hard questions (if need be) or give the harder answers, even though it may cost you today? Can you be true to yourself above anyone else you deal with, and have the faith that you CAN accomplish anything you put your mind too? If the answer to any of the above questions is YES; then maybe all the years of preparation will lead to something, and quite possibly you may be the most honest person you will see today. Keep it up and the business is sure to follow.

In closing, alone each of these can only get you so far; together (if you believe in yourself and your product) they will make you unstoppable. You have the will to see it through and ensure that dealing with you is not just “another broken promise”

……Something To Think About

©2011 thedanieljsmith

Thursday, July 7, 2011


How many people get up in the morning with more energy than they know what to do with; AND can hardly wait to get the day started at the workplace? Okay, you can put your hands down now. For the rest of you, why is it so hard to get excited at the new work day? Is it because of the number of years of service (that the supervisors refuse to acknowledge)? Is it issues in the family life that distract you from the work cycle? Are you burnt out due to the stress and the pressures of the position OR are you trying to re-light the fire by locating a new job or transferring to a new branch?

Sometimes trying for the new job is not the answer, because with time you probably will feel the same as you do now: Over-worked and under-appreciated! It’s okay, because I’m sure most of us have been there and have found multiple ways over the hump, especially if your “Holidays” have either been used for the year, or are too far off to be readily excited.

What we are facing quite possibly is a lack of motivation. This stems from reasons which are totally false, to a feeling of neglect or mistreatment at the workplace. Either of these will make it hard to be happy first thing in the AM. Sometimes the best thing you can do is take a step back, and address the list of “concerns” we seem to have built. By addressing, I mean taking a good hard look at your present surroundings and remind yourself why it is you are doing what you are doing.

The majority of the time, if we are perfectly honest with ourselves: We aren’t in the present location for the money; as all the money in the world will not create a harmonious workplace if the heart is not in it. Sometimes we enter a profession because it is something we are interested in, or it is something which we are good at; either of which are reasons that can create a prosperous career.

So that leads inward to what we feel about ourselves and our future in the chosen career. Sometimes there is no easy answer as to why the boredom and frustration surface; other than what is currently going on around us, or our disdain for doing the same thing day in and day out in a rather monotonous series of steps. If that is the reason, sometimes you just have to look deep and find the reason you started in the career to begin with.

Re-igniting Motivation can be difficult but it can be a worthwhile exercise for the here and now. Find a reason for continuing and hold onto it, because on that one reason you can rebuild the structure which led to the success in your career to begin with.

If I have written about it once, it is a point I need to stress and drive home: YOU are the wheel that makes the machine function properly, not the company. YOU develop the reputation for the company, the company does not build your reputation. The company is not responsible 100% for the success or the failure you endure from time to time; they can factor into it, but the don’t deserve either the blame or the credit for your present scenario. Be able to look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how good you are and how proud you are to be doing what you are; after all, should you drop the ball too many times, you will probably find yourself replaced with someone “allegedly” younger, faster, with more current knowledge on the field, who will work at a lower rate than you. It doesn’t have to go that way, develop a technique to address positivity and start each working day by leaving everything at home that you don’t need to accomplish an A-1 job for your employer.

When it all hits the fan, its your career and reputation that is at stake, not the companies, you have to do your best and be the example of good work that you know yourself to be. No one said in high-school (or college if you were fortunate) that maintaining a sense of positive motivation would be easy….but it is necessary.

That’s the soapbox diatribe for today… Hopefully (like always) I have left you with…Something to Think About…..

©2011 thedanieljsmith

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How do you Become The Best..

Six words which form what I think is one of the great un-answered questions of all time. Others have tried, come close or failed to attain the brassiest of brass rings—and that is to discover how one becomes the best!!

Is it a course or an educational module? Is it something found with style, a trendy newspaper, or the tabloids? Is it an expression? or possibly a frame of mind? Could be…any or all of the above plus other thoughts not yet expressed. Or it could be none of the above and a complete pile of hooey, meaning that all we can get out of life is what we deserve. Maybe, Could be, Not Really (check off the one you agree with).

If it is to be thought of as a frame of mind, when do we start allowing it to form, or to create a life on its own? Childhood? Middle-School? maybe College or beyond? or could it possibly be something that is ever maturing, as we do when we realize we are older and trying to re-capture “the good old days” (free Springsteen reference!)

To be the best at anything requires sacrifice: personal, professional, spiritual and most definitely a strong belief that you really should be seen as head and shoulders above your colleagues (as a fact; not a point of bragging). This is an opportunity that may only appear once in a working career, so it is essential that you pick the spot, and truly be “The” one. As you strive to make that transition, it is really important that you remain humble in your dealings, as all those people you see on the way up will probably still be watching on your way down, and if its one thing most people don’t like, its a cocky know-it-all schmeckel-head. (pot-meet kettle; kettle-meet pot).

Work for the betterment of the whole industry, not just as a visitor in it. Play like you work and you will never consider what you do as work. Compliment the whole organization because its the right thing to do (or to strive and achieve), and a smooth moving machine rarely comes along. Its better to be considered part of the team rather than have people feel they “work” with you because they have to. Know when the time is right to move on- as people who don’t know when to leave a party, rarely find their way home.

Have a vision and a goal; strive to achieve both. Look at the end goal and make plans to see it through. Listen to those around you, as their comments and criticism should help build the foundation for that growth; and having others always listen to your voice gets old fast.

If you can see yourself achieving even part of one goal on this page; then whatever industry you are in will see progress with a talented member. Progress comes through time and hard work; and to be considered “The Best” at it-- (here is the true secret)-- is darned near impossible to achieve. You are only one person and one voice; but with that voice miracles can happen…..

Something To Think About…

©2011 thedanieljsmith

Daniel J. Smith
Community Manager 
Radical Events

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Friday, May 20, 2011

I Want You to Want Me !!!!

“People will hate you, rate you, break you, and shake you; How strong you stand is what makes you”- Judy Reynolds, Facebook 2011.

Interesting comment I received via Facebook the other night. And how timely and true it could really be. Everyone wants to be number #1, sometimes so much so, that they forget the things they felt were important at one time, or feel that success is the be all and end all. To me, this all comes down to merit, how much faith we place in ourselves; and how much of a hold we allow others to have on our affairs.

Everybody would love at one time or another to be the “Top Dog” but what is the true cost of this position? Is it something which could consume us to the point which it becomes all we are focused on? (to the dismay of those closest to us) or will it be something that we only occasionally think about, because we are happy with the “status quo”. I think when we are younger, a good portion would be ‘A’ because we are trying to prove ourselves as a worthy employee. As we get older, not so much, as with age comes the general thought that we have taken all the steps necessary to prove ourselves; and now we are letting our drive and reputation lead the way somewhat. There will always be that young pup chomping at the bit to succeed and prove he is the new “chosen one”. One day (s)he will realize that motivation will only get you so far; sometimes skill and knowledge do trump youth.

That’s not to say that those around you won’t try at some point to burst your bubble. This could be a healthy case of jealousy over your success and what they deem “the golden horseshoe”. Skill still counts in today’s workplace and if you can receive the education needed to continually improve in your work environment, good for you! At the end of the day, it is your standard of living which you should be concerned with; and even your closest advisor isn’t going to take responsibility for your welfare. How bad do you want the “Brass Ring” and to what lengths are you willing to go before reality kicks you in the keister?

Never be afraid to be yourself; popularity contests are only for the insecure and those who know no better. by keeping your head down and your goals up, you will find a balance can be struck between what you are seen as and what you really are capable of. Stand firm, and don’t for one minute change your belief system, at the end of the day it just isn’t worth it, and probably sooner than later; the others that have been judging you, will see you were right the whole time.

Now that, is Something to Think About….

©2011 thedanieljsmith

join me on Twitter at @thedanieljsmith or on Facebook (it’s still free to follow) at this link http://on.fb.me/lQyiMu

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